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I've heard about permenant marker, paint pens, etching, duct tape, buying uncommon gear(if no one else has it, it is pretty identifable)...
What method does everyone use to mark their gear?
Thanks in advance.
I just use a sharpie marker and put small initials someplace on the gear.
Paint pens or stickers.
Serial numbers will appear on some of the more expensive gear you will buy (regs, tanks). Make sure you write these down and keep a list somewhere. I keep one copy in my logbook and another at home. Also, if you begin to acquire a lot of gear, you may want to look into gear insurance, either through DAN or one of the other companies that do this.
I had an idea a while back, but never pursued it.

I thought of a bar code system that would attach to the dive gear. The tag would hold all the owners information should it be lost or stolen. Dive shops would have a reader and could determine when the gear was purchased, last serviced, who owns it, etc...
This website lets you enter in all your serial numbers and saves them for you.

This site lists any stolen scuba gear, but I don't think many people there are from minnesota.
My new monofin had my name put on it at the factory. ;D can do that for all of their fins, bi-fins or monofins.

They also make some really slick spearfishing/freediivng/scuba diving long blade fins.
