Full Version: Son of a gun... it's SNOWING
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I'm not impressed....

edit>> update:the ground has now gone from green to white.. Sad I am so not impressed!
That's what drysuits are for. Wink

A freediver in a drysuit? Just how in the heck do you get rid of the squeeze? Sling the old argon bottle under/over your arm somehow? That would be something really neat to see! Wink
(Seriously , I am just curious what one does use to freedive in conditions like this?)

Jean Smile

A freediver in a drysuit? Just how in the heck do you get rid of the squeeze? Sling the old argon bottle under/over your arm somehow? That would be something really neat to see! Wink
(Seriously , I am just curious what one does use to freedive in conditions like this?)

Jean Smile
They still use wetsuits. Jon posted some pics of freediving last winter. Sounds pretty brutal though. I sure wouldn't be able to do that man. How about those ice surfers last year on Lake Superior? Now that was insane. They had to smear vasoline on their faces to prevent freezing and their suits were solid ice. :o
Remember, as it gets colder here, the water will be the warmest place to be!
See you at Crosby until it freezes over!