Full Version: deepest pool in twin cities area open to public?
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Can anyone tell me if there is a pool, preferably at least 15' deep, 12' is still better than the 9.5' we have here, in the twin cities area? I'll be in town this weekend and would like my wife to get an opportunity to try out this proear 2000 mask. And I wouldn't mind a swim either....
The U of M aquatic center has a diving well. I did my scuba pool sessions there. I'm not sure on the depth (it was a while ago), but I'm sure it's at least 15 feet, if not more. The only problem would be getting in- I'm not sure if you have to be a student or not. If you're interested, let me know and I'll check on how much it is to get in and if it's possible for non-students.

Thanks, if you don't mind doing some checking on it, that'll be great. Any more info will be appreciated.
Scott, hope I caught you before you do much more homework. Thanks for the lead to UofM.. I called them today and visited with Phil Julson. It is available for use, 18' deep, but a bit expensive just to try out a mask.
I did check into using it for a scuba get together like we did last winter in the pool and have all the info on that.. costs, ins., fees, etc. and that would be do-able.
Thanks again.
I'd probably be up for that over the winter Fred. Maybe January or something. Smile
Farmington Middle School has a pool that has a depth of 12.5 feet in the deep end. Open swim is on Saturdays from 1-330. The aquatics coordinator is new to diving and we have had several classes in our pool. I would check with him if you are interested, and if Farmington isn't too far for you to drive.
Good Luck!
pool phone number is 651-460-1515