Full Version: How many for square on Wed 11-12?
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I was wondering how many of us are going to be braving the cold on Wed? I plan on going so long as others are intrested.
I'm there. Probably be there around 4:30ish.
Hopefully Dan's in. Those space heaters were the bomb.

Whats to see at Square Lake I hear talk of it often just have never been there. Understand its a popular training ground etc. Is it worth a drive down from Duluth? MJ
Nope... it's a pretty plain lake. About all you're gonna see there is a lot of training platforms and some fish. It's about the best lake us Twin Cities divers have to dive in the metro area along with maybe Perch Lake just over the St. Croix River into Wisconsin. For an out of town trip other than Superior of course which is in your backyard, I'd recommend a trip up to Ore Be Gone in Gilbert or Lake Mine in Biwabik. That would be mileage better spent in my opinion. Wink
I'm thinking of heading to Square tonight. Does the lake get ice late in the evening? I can't get there til 6 or 6:30... I don't mind a night dive but would hate to have to chop my way back up through the ice?????

Only reason I ask is I saw alot of ice on smaller lakes on my way to work today......
Ugly day for diving man! 40 mph winds and snow. :o Of course under water it would be a whole lot nicer. Wink