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Are there any shops in town that rent rebreather systems? I would assume that there would be a class taught by PADI. I would like to try one out and see what there all about.
Going Under --- Maple grove.

Give Chuck or Steve a call....
Yeah, check them out. Available rebreathers (fully closed & semi closed) include: Inspiration, Dolphine, Azimuth, KISS and the Megaladon. . .

. . . and Chuck & Steve are more than happy to discuss what rebreather is right for you or let you try everyone they have in their pool!
IGoTooFar returns... I attended the rebreather night at GUDC last night. That was a hoot!!!

I was the last person using the azimuth, nobody wanted to try it again so I wound up sitting on the bottom of the pool for 20 Min!

This has me thinking bad thougts.....must resist temptation....must resit.....must resist..........arrrgghhhh

Hey , welcome back BUDDY!!! Good to see you again...

Jean Smile