Full Version: Virginia pits vs. Ironton/Crosby pits
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We certainly like the diving at the pits up at Ironton/Crosby. WE found the maps from MN School of Diving in Brainerd absolutely, unbelievably helpful! We're quite curious about the Sabin Pit and other pit lakes up around Virginia. I'm interested in how the visibility there compares to the Ironton/Crosby pits and does anybody know of any good maps of the Virginia pits and/or good spots to dive there?

Art and Alyson

ps Kind of on a hopeful-wistful note--we were up by the Crosby pits just yesterday and the ice is just beginning to break up along the shoreline. It won't be long now!!!!

You can find some good diving up by Virginia. It is very comparable to Crosby. Lake Ore-be-gone is an old ironmine that is located near Gilbert -- minutes from Virginia. The area is serviced by Tall Pine Scuba (see the diveshop listing on this site). Rick and the guys up there know the area very well. (mnscuba calling Rick)

The local community promotes Ore-be-gone as a dive location. This is one of the only lakes in the region where they are actively sinking stuff just for divers -- platforms, boats, railroad speeders, etc.

Tall Pine is sponsoring a picnic for divers at Ore-be-gone on July 24th.
I dive both areas and the one thing I like about the Virginia area is you don't get all full of red ore that seems to hang on to you for weeks after. Also the roads into the pits are in a lot better shape to drive to the landings.
We have our new broucher coming out that can be picked up at the dive shop our at area chambers and tourist info stops along with right at Lake Ore-be-Gone office that has a map on it of the lake with depths and location of sights we have already put down. Also on the change house there is a large map.
Lake mine over by Biwabik is a good one In Aurora they have opened the access to another pit haven't dove it yet We do have maps to look at at the dive shop of out lining lakes and pits with info from our dive masters
The 24th of July will be the picnic rain or shine if people are coming up for it let us know at wouldn't want to run out of food.