Full Version: MNSCUBA.COM Get-together...(location)
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OK...Where would everyone like to see a get-together???
Is this a non-diving event (option 1) -or- a diving event (option 2).
(Of course , majority rules... Wink )

I assume a pot-luck is in order. We could do a lost-and-found thing , maybe a swap meet etc...

Thanks again

most of my available time for diving is filling up but a nondive event I could attend even if on call for work
Why not make it a "Dual Option". Have a time where and place where people could meet if they wanted to dive, and a place and time we could meet up with the non-divers later. One thing that kinda comes to mind is western suburbs. Christmas lake, Minnetonka, Little long and even Calhoun are fairly close together and we could pay back Maynards for the cleanup dive by converging on their bar at night. Their is also a public park right by there that could easily host a bbq. Just an Idea but I will gladly go with the free-flow. :Smile I would think a sunday would be good so that some of the dive shop employees could make it too.
I like the idea of having the option to dive or not. I like diving Calhoun although have not done a late summer dive there. The milfoil problem is bad. I would like to try christmas lake sometime. Whats the name of the lake where the plane was found? I'd like to dive that lake also.Linda
If everyone wants to do it in California, I'd volunteer my place and find a good dive spot also.
I could do California next June
Any thoughts on what part of town? I would help put this together if we got some opinions as to where people are willing to drive to.
I thought this idea died... :'(
so did I that is why I thought I would try to revive it.
Maynards sounds like a good meeting place!
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