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Looking for a buddy to dive the north shore wrecks. I have dove the madeira but would like to dive the hesper and ely and america also this year. Anyone interested? 8)
Yeah, I usually get up to the north shore at least twice a year for camping/diving. Keep in mind you need a boat to get to the Ely wreck. The America wreck is out at Isle Royal so obviously that one needs a boat as well. The Madeira and Hesper are about the only two wrecks on the north shore that you can swim to from shore I believe. The Hesper access is much easier than the Madeira and has a shorter swim to the wreck as well as being much shallower. Only about 30 to 40 feet deep.
Cool. I'm up for that. Let me know if you need a buddy and when and i'll be there.
Hi Shamre, let me know when you are heading up and if you need a buddy I only get up there one time a year and would love to make it more. Depending on how many people go I have a small boat. (to small for the America Sad though )
What kind of boat? Is it like a kodiak inflatable semi rigid? Or does it require a launch site? 8)
Hi, it's a 14' Zodiac. I have a trailer for it and have taken it from launches to the Madeira and Ely. It can be deflated and carried down to shore but it takes awhile to setup.
cool i am up for that. That would also giv you access to some of the other wrecks too. There names escape me for right now so i will look them up and post them here. I know there is one in a river up there and another one by knife island or something like that. 8) better get the details first before i say anymore.
Here is a link you can start with, it has a good map and history of the wrecks. there is another site I have book marked at home that list all the GPS coordinates I can post later.
Does it require a special permit to dive the Ely? I mean because you are kind of diving in a shipping lane.
No permit required. The wreck is over pretty close to shore and has a breakwater in front of it so it's out of the way enough from the shipping lane.