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<br>Is anyone else completely mesmorized by scuba diving programming on television?  I find myself watching mysteries of the deep, treasure hunters, search for giant squid, shark week....  They should just have a dedicated cable channel for this stuff -- I guess the discovery channel comes close.<br><br>The nice thing is that as soon as my wife sees sharks she walks out of the room.  I get the tv all to myself!
You bet! I love it... Worth the price of cable just for that, and I could watch it all day/night. (Especially in the Winter.)
Does anyone know what happened to Diving Today on OLN? I loved that show, and it seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. On a different note does anyone find it ironic that on freediving shows they talk about how free diving let's you be "one with the Earth" and then promply shows them harassing some marine life.
LOL<br><br>Nature of the human I guess!