Full Version: Large nosed divers and masks
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I'm not ashamed to say that my nose is large and I'm a scuba diver. Now that I have that off my chest, are there others out there like me and what do you use for a mask. Every one I try seems to just get filled by my probiscus and when under the waves it either pushes against my nose or just wont seal between my lip and nose.

Make all the jokes you like, I have a sense of humor, but I would also like some good suggestions besides surgery.

You asked for the jokes!

You know what they say, Big Nose,........... Big Mask. Tongue

Have you tried a full face mask?
cressi makes a big eyes mask :Smile

sorry I cant be real help
I have tried full face masks, with coms and everything. It fits fine, but its kinda spendy and a bit much for say snorkling. I'll keep looking.

I had the same problem when picking out a nut cup....... ;D

Sorry, I am not schooled enough on the subject..good luck
Google search resulted in:

Mares Esa Six-Lens Mask

For the very first time, divers can enjoy peripheral vision with Mares’ revolutionary six-lens mask.
The Esa mask features a wide panoramic window with an extended range of vision compared to traditional masks. Recommended for medium to extra-large faces. Extra room for big noses and large eyebrow ridges.