Full Version: Just darn phunny Diving definitions...!
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I found these while swimming around the Web looking for phunny dive t-shirts...These are great...
(Hey , at least I think so , but my sense of humor , oh well... :-[)
I do love one about The Secret of Diving at the bottom...
And I bet the PURGE definition has been used on those Wed night Square lake dives after brats...YUCK :o


MASK- Storage container for sea water samples until you reach the surface.
FINS- Torture device invented during the Spanish Inquisition.
SNORKEL- Breathing tube used to suck in seawater and insects while on the surface.
WET SUIT- Exactly what a diver does when the cold and caffeine kick in.
DRY SUIT- Glorified inner tube and just about as comfortable.
CHECK OUT DIVE- Great opportunity to experience first hand:
A. hypothermia
B. Fear
C. Stupidity
D. All of the Above
NARCOSIS- Does that cost extra?
2nd Stage- Not a theater term.
DEEP DIVE- Depths greater than you find in your bathtub.
SPARE AIR- The air left in your buddies' tank.
BOAT DIVING- A complex task because boats usually don't dive.
WRECK DIVER- What you become after running out of air at 100ft.
OCTOPUS- Large eight legged sea creature which attaches to your face at inopportune moments.
B.C.- The extra flotation you gain after many holiday meals.
C CARD- "And they don't take American Express."
SHARK- Bottom feeding, cannibalistic, spineless, invertebrate (sure it's redundant), often found in courtrooms, newsrooms, and car lots.
GIANT STRIDE- An acrobatic maneuver so called because of the 15 foot drop to the water which occurs when the boat rolls to port while you are exiting the starboard side.
BUDDY BREATHING- An often impossible task because your buddy has long ago left your side in search of the bikini clad, web-footed, neoprene fish.
BUDDY DIVING- "Same day, same ocean- we must be buddies."
"PLAN YOUR DIVE< DIVE YOUR PLAN."- It's like a diving safety mantra only different.
FREE ASCENT- A blazing rush to the surface at about warp 8.2.
BLOWN OUT- Don't even think about those words.
1/3 RULE- Use 1/3 of the day thinking about throwing up, 1/3 of the day actually throwing up, 1/3 of the day being glad you threw up.
REPETITIVE DIVE- "We're going to quarry again?"
DIVE TABLES- A complex chart using numbers and mysterious signs created to scramble a divers already overtaxed intellect.
ECO-DIVER- Short for E-Coli (bacteria found on third world dive trips).
TECHNICAL DIVING- "I could tell you but I'd have to kill you."
MAX DEPTH- Your actual depth minus 50ft. Used when describing your dive profile to the dive instructor.
DIVE COMPUTER- A $700 addition to your weight belt.
V.I.P.- "Virtually Impossible to Peer inside a tank."
NITROX- See Technical Diving.
BOTTOM TIME- Time spent sitting on the narrow, uncomfortable bench on the way to the dive site.
PURGE- The button you push to get rid of the chili-dog you belched into the regulator.
NEWBEE DIVER- "Okay, the doohickey attaches to the whats-it?"
TUB DIVER- Specialist in off season, shallow, freshwater dives.
HYDRO- A monster which feeds on Luxfer aluminum 80's.
FLOOD- What your sinuses do to your mask.
BUOYANCY CONTROL- The art of not cratering the bottom or rocketing past mean sea level.
DIVE LIGHT- A waterproof carrying case for dead batteries.
GEAR BAG- Storage device for sand, shells, old sandwiches, mildewed T-shirts, and stowaway sea critters.
DIVE KNIFE- An underwater magnet for rust that in an emergency won't cut through hot butter.
THE SECRET OF DIVING- Inhale, exhale, repeat as necessary
that was an enjoyable read Jean! ;D
Caution !!!
do not read while eating soup Wink
These are funny! Thanks Jean.

Yeah soup through the nose and on the moniter is bad. Smile
very funny....  thanks for the good sense of humor on a sat. night read.....  I may not have to watch Sat. night live now.   
I love your definition of dive light.  Very true.