Full Version: Wazee American Flag at site #2
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Hi All,

I did a dive on Saturday down to the "Hoffa Buoy" I followed that line out a ways from the buoy looking for an American Flag that I remember being down there years ago; I remember it being in the 183' range. Is it still there and if so where is it from that line?

Thanks for the help...

Hey Eric,

If you follow that line out to the ridge before going down further to Hoffa, it should be left from there.  Just follow the ridge to the left and you should see it.


Cool... I figured it was still there. How far from the buoy would you say it is along that line to the ridge? And then to the flag from the line? Thanks for the info...

You must be talking about this flag.



that looks like the one...
I'd guess it's probably around 100ft out to the ridge and something like 40-50ft to the left of the line.