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Does anyone have any DECENT drawings/site maps of the wrecks along the North Shore? I have the MNHS one for the Hesper but the rest that they have on the web are not useful to me. Specifically i am looking for the Ely and the Madeira. References to books would be welcome too.
I haven't yet seen a decent drawing of the Madeira wreck site. I don't know what you're looking for but for me, beyond the "bow" and "stern," I actually enjoy not having a diagram because after all the dives I've done there I am still finding new pieces of "midsection" that I haven't seen before. It makes it worth returning to dive again and again.
I have seen a good drawing of the Ely but I believe that one is copyrighted. You can ask around if someone has a copy. GLSPS () is working on a new book of north shore wrecks but I don't think it will be ready until next year.