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does anyone know the rules about puting in a dive platform in a lake? who would I talk to and what liability I would have if any.
If you put it in and no one turns you in okay. If you get turned in you'll have to remove possibly with a fine. When we did ours I went to the DNR Headwaters to find out that the pit was not a controlled access and it belongs to Gilbert which would have to give permission which they did and the DNR thanked us for contacting them so they had a heads up on the projects in case they recieved any calls so they looked as to having the knowledge. The MPCA needed to know that they were enviromently safe which they are and we did it.
recived email back from DNR and Sheriff water patroll DNR doesn't care as long ad it doesn't distroy habatat and Sheriff's dept will let me know what paperwork they will need to ok a permit.
What if you were to design the bottom half of the platform as a fish crib and say that you are creating habitat instead of sinking a dive platform? It would be heavier to sink but in the end it would probably be awesome to dive on. They might even help out with costs.
Which lake were you thinking of putting in a dive platform?
lake pulaski.
its 1 mile from my house and has about 10 - 15 foot vis. havent spent much time in it yet but want someplace close to do drills and try new equipment configs.