Full Version: Another Fear Factor deal
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That crazy daughter of mine that ate those african cave dwelling spiders on fear factor is going to be on Larry King Live thursday nite on CNN. Along with Joe the producer and about 4 or 5 other contestants.. the guy who jumped from boat to boat and had a bad wipe out I guess, a girl from the miss whatever state and a girl from a model episode.. anyway.. if you're in front of a t.v thursday she's scheduled to go on. Although at the end of her e-mail she states she could be pulled but so far it's a go as they're flying her out today... sorry, I guess tomorrow nite.
my daughter Krisandra is on Larry King Live at 8:00, just braggin'!
I don't know if I shoulda been braggin or denying that she is my daughter Wink just kidding.. I'm a proud papa.. even if she did eat another bug.. for only $500 :o. I told her not eat anything for less the $100,000.00 aw well.