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This is similar to a test question I recently had to answer. I still ponder this one: 'What is a Earned Hit?' I'd be very interested to hear your opinions. Smile
My understanding is that an "earned hit" is used to decsribe any injury, be it DCS, O2 toxicity AGE, etc., that you sustain because you broke established rules, procedures or processes. For example, you missed deco stops, you ignored the CNS clock, you ignored PO2 limits, your buoyancy sucks, you ascended too fast, breathed the wrong gas or you were otherwise naughty.

Based on my definition, I would classify all of your examples in the poll as "earned hits".

John J
I'd agree with John. Those are all earned hits. The only unearned hit is the hit a diver gets when they planned and executed a diver perfectly (and by that I mean having a correct, standards based plan, and diving skilfully or doing a no-deco recreational dive) and still get hit.
That's what threw me for a loop, the 'None of the Above'. I think the 'Above' all contribute to an 'Earned Hit'.