Full Version: Bush or Kerry
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I vote Bush!
So I am more confident that there isnt some psycho Terrorist releasing a biological weapon into the fresh water that i am diving in.

It happend with the catalytic converter in the 70's- created a whole new industry which, in turn, created 250,000 jobs.
That would explain where some of the Democratic money comes from....have you ever had to replace one of these things? ;D
pretty pricey...and have mutiples...
The Democrats finally did it, they're running Daffy Duck for president. We will all be safe now, the terrorist will all die laughing.
Some interesting facts about Bush's presidency.
thank you!! ppl for Bush, please read this.
I don't think the war is a fair debate issue since there's nothing to compare to. Who's to say what Kerry or anyone else would have done or how they would have handled the situation. Sure, they can say I 'would' have or 'if it were me', but in a real life and right now situation that means nothing.
Sorry guys.., I just can't bring myself to vote for someone who has a 100% rating from radical groups like PETA, the Fund for Animals, and the Brady Campaign. Funny though.. I have no problem voting for someone with a 100% rating from the NRA. Some differences huh? Smile
Exactly! As I read through WaterPanda'a link all I could think was "what if Kerry had been in office" Scary! Well,... to me anyway.
John Scary Tongue
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