Full Version: Square Lake - May 25th
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Date: Saturday, May 25th<br>Place: Square Lake<br>City: Stillwater<br>Meeting Time: 11:00am<br><br>Let me know if you can make it!<br><br> ;D
Count me in! ;D
<br>Works for me.  Sign me up.  <br><br>--Jason
sounds like a plan 8)
Looks like we'll have a little bigger group this Saturday than last time! Should be fun, see you then!
count me in are you meeting in the park or at that rv camp ground <br>          bruce
Not sure yet, never been there... What do you suggest?
the rv camp gound has an easy acsess piont and lots of tabels for your gear and last year I think it was only 3 dollars to park there wher as the park you have to hove you gear up and down a pretty good flite of sriars but I dont know when the camp ground open up fo business
Yeah...hauling gear up and down them stairs is a real drag.  Plus, that main area over by the big dock is always crowded with classes leaving you no place for gear setup.  What we did last time was drive down by the boat dock on the other end where there are a bunch of picnic tables and dropped our gear there and then parked back up in the lot.  We entered the water near the boat dock but outside of the marked "no swimming zone" of course and that was much nicer and clear of all the crowded silted-out waters from classes.  We weren't sure if that was legal but there was a county officer down there and he said it was fine.  This was in the fall when the beach was closed so I'm not sure if that would fly in the summer time when the beach is open.  I'm not sure if the roped off beach area extends that close to the boat dock or not or if there is some extra room there.
Looks like we have 5 total so far... any other takers? Also, does someone want to lead the trip? I'm a newbie so I'd prefer someone else take over from here, lol.
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