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Shark attack caught on tape 
Updated: 03/28/2005 01:24:48 PM

There is video if you go to the above link!

Mark Currie went on a shark watching tour in South Africa, hoping to see some Great Whites, which are responsible for most of the 60 unprovoked shark attacks each year.

But when a monster Great White attacked Currie’s boat without warning, he was lucky to escape with his life. The entire incident was caught on tape.

Currie was in a cage about to go under water when a huge great white shark, more than 15 feet long, attacked him. The shark circled the cage twice and then it just attacked.

"It wouldn’t stop, it just kept on attacking and biting the cage," Currie said.

He said the shark bit right through the metal bars on the cage. He said he was knocked around like an ant in a jar.

At one point, the cage went down and the shark tried to get in.

"I thought it's never going to stop until it got me. So I just tried to survive and get back in the boat," Currie said.

The boat captain beat the shark over the head with a metal bar before pulling Currie to safety.

Reflecting on the experience, Currie doesn’t regret it.

"It took a few weeks to sink in what happened. When I watch the DVD, it just brings it back and I'm glad I did it. I would do it again. I'd love to."

Mark Currie was later heard to say, "And I'm a moron!"