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when trying to serch I keep getting

Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator

tried 3 different computers  ???
Interesting.  I just tried a couple searches and it worked fine for me.  What did you type into the search field that gave you the error?
any search results in the same responce. I tried "drysuit" "long lake" "scuba"

I will try connecting on the other side of my isp router tomarrow and see if there is any change.
I was able to replicate your error using the search terms you gave me.  I also tried some other random ones of my own and it worked fine.  I'm not sure what the problem is.  Jason is the technical guru.  When he checks in again he will look into it.
I believe I may know the problem. I believe the quarries are returning too large of data set and that is the only SQL error code available for it to respond with