I went out to Lower Pine Lake Sunday for a couple dives with Jason Baker and Dan G. We had about 15 - 20 feet viz above 30 feet and below that it wasn't as good. Max depth was 57 feet. Water temp was 41 at depth and 54 on the surface.
Dan G and I went out to Lower Pine today for a couple dives. Viz wasn't great...10 feet or so but not bad considering the time of year and all the rain and storms last week. Water temp was 43 in the 40 to 50 foot depth range and 64 above the first thermocline.
Dan G and I did a couple dives out at Lower Pine today. Viz is down as it is in most all of the local lakes right now. We had about 8 feet of viz in most places and it improved a little in the 50 foot depth range. Lots of boat traffic (speed boats and jet skis) out there.
Dan G, Dano, Jeff Leech and I did a couple dives out at Lower Pine today. Viz was about 10 feet or so. Water temp was 59F.