Full Version: Crosby Report May 21st
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I finally got to dive my new drusyuit. Cary Hostrwaser, Jim Cooper, Glenn Nemic and Steph Johnson joined me at 2 sites on Saturday. Mangan and Louise. In Mangan the Vis was excellent, 25-35 feet at least. The deepest we went  was aroundt 70' and I showed 41 degrees as temperature. Very nice dive.
At Louise the Vis was not as good. I'd say between 10-15 feet. Same water Temp. Howevr we found a new boat to look at. It is an older runabout, 16' in lenth. at 1st I thought it was the same one the DNR made people take out but is isnt. So dont say anything.
I found the training platform to be in terrible shape. I fact unusable. Cary H. and I are trying to plan next Saturday (May 28 2005)  to repair it. It will be a good exercise in deploying lift bags.
Anyone want to Join us? let me know.
It was a good day of diving. I'll have to bring my son more often shore support is nice to have. He just needs to learn how to shut the grill off when the brats are done :Smile
I would join you this weekend but it's a long drive from AZ. ;D
Maybe he forgot to turn the brats off, but at least he didn't forget to turn them on! Were you really going to bring the uneaten brats home?
We could have gone for a little less wind and clouds, but at least the rain stopped before the dives.
As a note, most of the group entered Louise at the boat launch and went north. I ran solo to the south. Vis was a little worse on the southern side, about 8 to 10, until I got a fair ways past were the turtle would be. Fish were doing a good job of hiding, I only came across one sucker.

Mangan was certainly the better dive for me. Better vis and saw a number of johnny darters spawning, but not much else. The males really have their color on right now. Nice bright orange to get those females interested.
You should come and dive the sites at Ore-be-Gone. We will have the new site on location Wednesday evening. I think you'll really enjoy yourself