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Went to Portsmouth today and the visability was varied.  There were times when it was 30+ and other times at 10'.  It improve as we went deeper.  The water temp was 69 above thermoclime and 55 below. 
We were up there as weell today.  We dove Feigh, Louise and Section Six,

Vis was ok in Feigh and pretty good in Louise.  Section Six vis was not as good.  Plenty O' mosquitoes though.

Shoot, too bad we didn't see you up there Paul.  As MAKA said we dove Feigh, Louise and Section 6.  Feigh had about 20 feet of viz and was pretty much a blackout at 115'.  We found the cave at 100' which was pretty cool.  It was my first dive in Feigh. 
Then we headed over to Louise which had very nice viz.  It was a good consistent 30' from top to bottom.  We went down to the boat at 115' and then headed up and over to the little cave at 90' and up to the skeleton on the pole and the other one on the bike next to the other boat. 
After a chat and fill at MSD with Bill and then some lunch we decided to try Section Six.  This was my first dive there.  Viz wasn't too hot...I'd say 10' or so.  We only got to 80' because it got extremely dark.  We found an old Fiat at about 55' which was kinda cool.  All in all a nice day of diving but man those d**n mosquitos were horrible!
For those interested here is a map link to Section 6 Mine Pit and some additional info. I gathered from yesterday's dive there.
To find the Fiat car head to the right of the boat access in the 50 foot range and you should find it without any problems.  Also there is a platform frame just to the right of the boat launch access in 25 feet of water.