Full Version: Dive Crosby Sunday 8/18?
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Fred, Paul, Eddy,<br>Thanks for the company and the dives. It was a beautiful day!<br>Looks like I will be diving Madiera and Hesper over Labor Day weekend with a friend. Nice weekend getaway with our wives.<br>Dan
This past Sunday at Crosby I dove quite a bit with DanL and nomads at Hopkins. Dan really helped me in finding what would work better next time out as far as spotting goes for the deeper freedives. So, anytime anyone is around to spot me it will only run smoother as we worked some of the bugs out on Sunday.<br><br>I uploaded a dive profile from the mosquito in pdf format It's at A new personal best for me without using a drop weight to get down. It's a small file (14k).<br><br>You'll see it leveled off for a few seconds at about 54' on the way back up when I was signaling DanL that this was the last dive. Those dots are at 2 second intervals - the new computer I ordered will be in 1 second intervals.<br>Maybe some of you will find it interesting.<br><br>Fred Johnson
Fred, Great dive computer. It clearly shows eveyone exactly what happened. Ed and I had a great time. Hopefully we can hook up one more time before the end of the season. I'll post my Isle Royale adventure next week.
Fred,<br>The dive data is great. I may break down and get the download kit for my computer.<br>I'm still blown away by having a freediver along for a good part of 20-30ft scuba dives. You're the biggest fish I've seen!<br>Dan<br><br>Not diving this coming weekend, but will be trying Superior over the Labor day weekend.
Freedivernd,<br><br>I like your dive info in the pdf format. I just purchased the Cobra and I know the mosquito and Cobra use the same software. I'm now tempted to buy the PC link for the my computer sooner than later.
lwright,<br>I didn't get the interface at first but after sitting down several times to enter the dives I didn't wait to order it. When you freedive and have 50 dives to enter it ain't happening. You'll be glad you got it. I went with the mosquito because of it's freedive mode but it also has air and nitrox capabilities.<br><br>I recently won a Suunto D3 on ebay (won ? - that's an oxymoron, seems I had to send money) - it's freedive specific, similar to the Mosquito but does 1 sec. intervals. I would hate now to be without a computer so got the D3 to have a backup... one for each wrist I guess.<br><br>Fred
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