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Hey kids,
Does anyone out there have good directions to the Crosby pits?
We're heading up this weekend, & none of us have a clue how to get to the sites.

Also, we're hoping to do some deco dives, & if anyone knows the best pit to get some righteous depth in, that info would be much appreciated.

Thanks a ton!

Darin, I'd recommend stopping into MSD in Brainerd on the way and talking to them.  They know the area best and have good maps and info.
If you're looking for "righteous depth" I'd recommend Wazee.  There are a few really deep pits in Crosby, but my experience is that it's pretty hard to get to the deep spots.  As I recall, below about 120-150' in just about every pit the water color changes to pitch black, and you can barely see your light in front of your face.  One pit I actually came out smelling like rotten eggs (and I swore I could smell it underwater as well).

I know there are others that know the pits better, but I've never gone below 170' there for the reasons mentioned above.

If you get some good depth, and you can see anything while there, report back I'd be interested in hearing which pits.
I don't think the black layer is present in all of the pits.  Also, from what I've heard it varies each year where it is at.  I've been to about 120' in Huntington and have never encountered the black layer there.  I have run into the black layer at 98' in Alstead though and you are right.  You CAN smell it underwater.  :o I've also heard from some divers that have gone through the black layer and found gin clear water past the layer.  Very dark but awesome viz apparently.  The layer might be up to 10 feet thick.
How deep is "righteous?"  I'm not familiar with that unit of measurement.  Is that metric?  Is that like the depth at which you start to see sparkles in from of your eyes?
You're looking at the wrong measuring device.
Righteous depth = 150'

It's some where in between a "b*tt load" & "Dude!".

OK.  I see now...

Why not go to Wazee? Beautiful ledge at 150' from Site 2.
Johnny boy,
What's with the 3rd degree on why I want to go to Crosby?  You on commission with Jackson Cty parks or something?  Perhaps I just want red mud on my truck, or rotten egg-stinkin' gear.  Smile

Actually since the shop's doing Wazee twice a month this summer I just wanted to venture out somewhere else for my fun deco diving w/out students. 

Darin, have you tried Lake Mine or Lake Ore Be Gone yet?  I personally like those better than Wazee.  Lake Mine actually has better viz than Wazee and better roads than red mud on your car LOL!  Wink
I really want to try Lake Mine some time; but we're already scheduled to meet up with someone in Crosby & it's too late to switch gears now.

Thanks for the advice everyone. 
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