Full Version: Dive Profile from Mosquito computer
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Some folks are finding that freedive profile from the mosquito (in the "Dive Crosby" thread) interesting so I've uploaded a scuba dive profile so you can see the extra info it gives. In air mode the dots on the graph are at 20 seconds.<br><br>Check it out at Suunto dive manager software is a free download but I notice the price has really jumped on the cable interface..but it's real nice to have - especially for me when I can have so many dives in one session. I guess they're real popular.<br><br>Fred
Yeah, it is a pretty slick combo...that's what I use as well. Works out pretty good, I just wish they had a Macintosh interface. Wink
Yep, I have the interface cable and use the Dive Manager software with my Vyper too. I actually print all of my dives out and insert them into clear sheet protectors two dives per sheet protector back to back and put them in a 3-ring binder. Makes it real easy for logging my dives and looks much nicer.
<br><br>Come on GP... Next time I want to see a portable multimedia presentation with some nice groovy music playing in the background!
<br><br>Hmm...ok, I'll see what I can do. ;D
Can you attach scanned images to your dive profile with the Suunto software?
lwrite,<br><br>No, you can't import graphics into a dive profile, it would be nice though. I just did a search through the suunto help and about the only think you can do with a graphic is make it the wallpaper in the background of the suunto program.<br>Fred