Full Version: Platform at Louise
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Anybody know who took the platform out of Louise. I have heard some rumors as to how and why. I would like to verify before I spread them.
Last time I was up there we ran into a Ranger who mentioned something about removing a platform recently.


Was he a park ranger or DNR warden


Well the rumor was true. Some divers had removed the platform from Louise and were reinstalling it at portsmouth. The park rangers found them doing it and put the kabosh on it. I called the park manager for the Cuyuna park and he stated that it is in the plans to have platfroms at various sites. However they will determine when and where. No permits are to be issued. Certainly not this year and maybe not next.
DNR buracracy at its best.

I gues I would like to know about the divers that removed the platform from Louise. Did they own it or what.
Can't tell you if he was DNR or Park Ranger.  All I can say is that I am willing to live with some inconvenience to improve the overall experience in the area.