Full Version: 1st Madeira Dive
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Just got back from up north for a weekend of diving the Madeira.  I took the Wreck Speciality class with Darin from Scuba Dive and Travel.  What a great weekend it turned out to be, perfect weather (a little choppy yesterday) and good viz (so I was told).  Sounds like the paint ball was fun, but I passed, being a little warn out from the surface swims to the wreck!!  We had a great group up there, special thanks to Darin and the two other Dan's for making my 1st Lake Superior dive very enjoyable.  Can't wait for my next dive with you guys. 

Almost forgot, Channel 5 was there filming an episode of "On the road with Jason Davis" about MN scuba diving...keep your eyes open for it to air sometime in Sept!!

Dan B