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Normally I really love the show Crocodile Hunter, but now that I've been learning more and more about diving, sea life, coral reefs, etc... I am beginning to lose some respect for it. I don't know if anyone watched last night's episode, but it was about sharks (which was cool). The bad thing is how he got out of his boat and stood on the coral reef to don his gear! He also used it to pull himself along the bottom, then furthermore (and he admitted this was wrong) provoked and distressed the sharks.<br><br>I don't know, maybe I was just in a bad mood last night or something, but I thought that sent a bad message out.
I tend to agree sometimes.<br><br>I watch that show quite often, when I remember that it's on and I too have been bothered by the fact that he really doesn't usually even try to not cause the animals distress.<br><br>I have also seen where he was better about the diving than what you are saying, and I think I have seen the episode you are talking about.<br><br>Mike
Imagine that, I've never seen the show before (so you can ignore this if you want), and the first time I see it, it's on sharks! Cool, right!? Wrong.<br><br>What is the deal with trying for entertainment value and saying to heck with respecting the environment? Not only was he using the coral, he was bouncing all atop it, stomping and jumping to avoid the sharks. And then during the feed and frenzy, he kicked at them to keep them abay. He admitted that it was not their fault, so why the heck does he do it then? <br><br>Sorry to all you fans out there, and I'm not what you call a "tree-hugger", but that guy seems pretty unprofessional. "There's a shark mate, if we harass it, it might give us a display. And if we end up causing enough trama to it and the corals here, and they die, we'll have to move to a different site and start all over again..."<br><br>(It's like growing up with the kid next door who said that the inside of the frog he caught was very interesting, but to see it, he just had to torture the frog to death.)<br><br>Sorry, had to vent...but that guy has no support from me.  >SadAnd can you tell him to stay out of the waters I'm trying to dive in and maybe try to keep sharks and coral alive for everyone's future!
I forgot about the feeding frenzy part... that was the worst! I was laughing my butt off when that shark bit him when he tried to pull it out from under the rock by its tail! :o
Wow...that's too bad.  I would of thought Steve Irwin would know better than that.  Maybe all the money has gotten to his head and all he cares about are his show ratings now.  I haven't watched the show in awhile but I always thought he respected the animals and environment on the episodes I've seen but it sounds like that isn't the case anymore???
<br>The crocodile hunter is pure entertainment. I watch it with that mindset.<br><br>Many corals are hardy and fast growing.  Simply touching a coral will not kill it.  I grow and handle corals daily. <br><br>Still, he should stay off the reef.