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Broke through 2 inches of ice and did a dive today for the city of Eveleth to photograph their intake pipes for city water and also went down in the pump house to photo that stuff so they see what shape it is in.  What a way to spend a day after coming back from 5 weeks in Florida. The lake was open at 5:30 last night and this moring the ice was 2 inche out to about 20 ft. than went down to 3/4 inch.  Will be heading back to Florida for 3 months on the 30th ahh warm weather
Ya know yer a real Minnesotan when.........Ya actually look forward to the colder weather so ya can get in some more ice dives :o.   

Then again

If ya ask a REAL Minnesotan, during the winter, if they would prefer ta be down in Florida for a couple of weeks waddya think they'd say .........8) 8) 8) 8). [glow=red,2,300]Ya, sure, you betcha[/glow]!