Full Version: Meet John Chatterton of "Shadow Divers"
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Hey divers!

Matt Johnson suffers from Duchenne's Disease, a degenerative muscular disorder, which has paralyzed him from the neck down and requires the use of a ventilator for breathing.  His dream is to scuba dive and he is working with a number of organizations to develop the special gear needed to dive at depth.  Matt has a fundraiser scheduled at the Aquarium at the Mall of America on February 18th from 2pm to 6pm.  John Chatterton (of Shadow Divers) and Susan Long (Pres/CEO of DUI) will be speakers at the event, along with aquarium tours and a silent auction.  Please consider buying tickets for an exciting time with fellow divers and support a great cause for an incredibly enthusiastic individual.  You can go to Matt's web site at for more information.  Also, if you are able, please consider a donation to the silent auction.

Steve Carter
John Chatterton is also host of "Deep Sea Detectives" on the
History Channel, in case you have seen that show.
