Full Version: new to mnscuba
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this web site is great, i have been certified for three years and have did most of my diving on vacation to cozumel, but i am going to start diving around home did not realize there are so many diver in our state. i live in buffalo so the closest dive shop is going under dive center, was just wondering how they are to work with? look forward to hearing from some divers closer to home thanks wade
Wade, the people up at Going Under are easy to work with.  Many local divers on the west side of the cities use that shop.  I've purchased products and taken classes from Going Under.  Welcome to the local dive scene!


Welcome Wade.
Also look up Mnlake diver. He's from Buffalo also. (dont tell him) But he's a pretty good guy also

Welcome! I am new here as well - and new to Minneapolis...well, Minnesota for that matter.
When I first moved here, I was hoping there was a thriving dive industry, because Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes (although I heard there's really like 15,000). I was glad I found this site. All the people here are wonderful, and very helpful.

I just did a tour of the local shops. They're all great. Going Under was extremely helpful. We even bought hooded vest from them. All the shops are great. Bought different things from different places and had top notch service all the way. I can't wait to be able to dive locally! (Don't have cold gear or training, so I have to wait until it warms up)
I lived in Rockford for a short while there. Now I've ended up in Prior Lake. My mechanic (Phil Kerber of Phil's Quality Automotive) turned me on to Lots of great advice and very friendly people here. A fantastic resource! So far I've only had the opportunities to dive in Square lake, Wazee, and Mahnomen III in Crosby but I'm looking forward to doing MUCH more diving in many more places. There is a dive buddy thread here too with lots of contact information. I'm looking forward to making good use of that this Spring!
