Full Version: My newest article from the MDA
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It's a good piece, but the part where it says I can support my head
underwater using a headrest had me rolling over with laughter, because
I don't use a headrest underwater...

Otherwise we were pretty impressed with it.

Take care everyone,
Hi Matt,
It was very nice to meet you at your fund raiser.  What a day and what a tribute to you, your dad, your dive instructors, and your medical staff. 

It always amazes me how people will come out of the wood work to meet a person they never knew, and spend time and money without regard for they're own needs.  You have inspired me to do my best for my family, and my friends and future friends that I haven't even met yet.

I must say,  I noticed a very large smile on your face when the ladies from  Hooter's were hovering around you.  You almost looked a little narced.  lol

Nice article. 

take care, I hope to see you at the spring event. 
Thank you for your inspiration and determination.
;D Thanks for the great words Maxfactor.  Yes, there were a lot of great people there.  It was great to meet you.  I am glad I can give you some inspiration and determination. 

John Chatterton is a great guy.  I feel so honored to know him as well as I do.

Yes, I have to admit I enjoyed the gals from hooters, but Melanie Paul beats them all.  What can I say I am a typical guy!!

Take care,
