Full Version: my recent scuba in mex, deepest yet..
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I want to share an experience I had recently in mexico where I did what I don't do much of.. scuba.  The shop I scuba'd with I've gone with a year before and they had me go with the "shallow group" then.. I don't think they meant by what type of people we where.. anyway at that time the local dive master didn't understand why the owner of the shop was making me stay shallow when they'd seen me freediving out beyond where their dive boats had been going.... anyway.. this year they let me go with the "deep group".. maybe because of our thought processes.. but I think mostly because we had computers.. and that was the criteria.. anyone with a dive computer could go deep.  Dive plan was to go to 90' or 95', just for a short time then work our way up a bit of a slope to 70', then 50' etc., etc..
So, I'm a little apprehensive at the time and I admit I don't scuba often.. and now I'm going with the "deep group" and 90' is 30' beyond where I've scuba'd before..  So I'm thinking.. I'm glad I have the suunto mosquito on because it'll keep me clued into what I'm doing and the D3 will double check my depths and time of the mosquito fails.
I start the dive a little underweighted so everyone else is headed for the bottom as I'm trying to find my regulator (didn't have it my mouth on the overboard, and get as much air outta the bc as possible.  Still floating on the surface, I realize I'm not going to sink.  So I took a deep breath (apparently I took the regulator outta my mouth, or hadn't put it in yet), did a great surface dive and was nearly to 70' and with the rest of the "deep group" before I realized I had a tank with and didn't need to be holding my breath.  It took me about 15 minutes to settle down and breath with the reg.. but I still did good on the air consumption and came up with the last of the divers... 60 minutes later.  Pretty exciting stuff... maxed out at 98'.  That's the story of my deepest scuba dive...