Full Version: "My Divebuddy" Apr-May Photo Contest
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Post you pic here for the April-May underwater photo contest.  Deadline is Thursday, May 31st @ 5pm.
Topic is "My Divebuddy".  Be imaginative.
Rules in previous post:

More info as things develop (and I figure out how to do this - help please?)

Please - no votes, comments until after Wednesday May 31st after 5pm..  Let's just post our single entry pics.


One of my more constant dive buddies
Obviously photoshopped. Actually this is me. Taken by my buddy Chris at Wazee a couple years ago.
A couple more that follow the rules this time but were submitted too late!  :-[  At least there are no sharks.

Taken at Sherwood Forest, Lake Wazee, on Memorial Day.

John W checks out one of the "Alien Eggs" on the north wall:

Paul S in the murk after swim-under-the-platform tryouts:

Terry O inspects some weeds we kicked up:

not quite underwater
here's a few photos from ottertail river a few weeks ago:
in the current

<br>sturgeon love

<br>...catching a breath after a deep snorkel:

I deleted some posts in this thread that didn't follow contest rules or cluttered up the thread.  The rules stated one photo entry per person which wasn't followed and no comments until after the contest ended.  I left the "extra" pictures that were submitted anyway since there weren't many entries.  Also I extended the end time to accept all of the entries that were submitted doing away with the date rules. You may vote for one of the entry participants taking into consideration all of the photos in their post as a whole.  Please vote in the poll at the top of the thread. Thanks to everyone who participated.  We'll probably do one of these each month.  I have not talked to DanL about prizes or anything so this one is just for fun.  Voting ends in two weeks.  Cast your votes now!  But please do not submit anymore photos in this thread.
Thanks for taking care of the polling details and editing.
As a next topic, how about "Best shot of a metal object"
All the same rules as before (with appropriate date changes.)
Lonnie - For the April-May prize, I can offer a 128MB compact flash card.


Hey Lonnie no fair: I didnt retouch mine.
I need the card.
speaking of re-touching the photos... I used photoshop to enhance those photos above EXCEPt the last one I posted of "catching a breath".. I was really pleased how that one turned out... hundreds of pics, and one turns out not needing touchup
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