Full Version: Clearing logs on Genesis react pro computer?
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I just aquired a Genesis react pro dive computer and was wondering how I can clear all of the dives that the previous owner put on it. I can get to the clear screen, but after that i'm lost. Any help would be greatly aprecieated. Thanks
I found this over at scubaboard.  You can try it and see if it works.

ok i have found the ID number...719
reset all dive log..(no reset hour date etc et)
in temperature sreen press and hold both button simultaneously..
you enter clear mode..
press left button 7 time
than 1 time the right buttom
and finaly press left button 19 time
than press 1 time right buttom
the computer shot off
when you open next shoot the log memory will be erased..
thank you .

I tried searching for that ealier on google, but the server for scubaboard was busy and wouldn't allow me to access the site. Anyways I got it figured out. Thanks a bunch.