Full Version: Sept. 19th Lake 6
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Several divers from the Detroit Lakes area will be diving @ Lake 6 Thursday if anyone would like to join us. We will meet @ the public access around 5:30 for a dive, grill afterwards, then do a night dive if anyone is interested. I've never posted before so hope I get this right.
Feel free to email me if you have ques.
Hello - I'd try to make it thursday, but it depends on the weather - get this - if it's raining I can possibly make it - if it isn't, I can't.Keep us informed of other get togethers in that area and sooner or later we'll dive together.

Wendy, did you hear I found a medallion in Lake Seven the other day? Haven't turned it in yet.

Hi Fred,
So, we hope for rain? :Smile Congrats on the medallion, I turned one in 2 wknds ago and got a Sherwood dive knife. Hope you can make it Thurs, one of the guys is going on his 100th dive.
Shoot! Not quite enough rain on wednesday! Had to work thursday. >Sad How'd the diving go? I heard that some bad storms were in that area on tuesday - did it affect the vis much?
