Full Version: Potential trouble for Ore B gone
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I was at a customers place in Virginia the other day who lives in Gilbert. He told me the pit was down 8-10 ft. This would make it a very difficult entry.

It seems that a mining company is sucking water from a pit on their land close to Ore B gone. This is causing the water table to go down.
How about it Rick Could you enlighten us?
Yes, Ore Be Gone's water level is way down.  When we were up there last October entry and especially exit was a bit of a challenge from the beach access.  You are in knee deep water and then one step later you are in over your head.  It's especially tough getting out of the water with your gear on.  I had to crawl out. 
Yeah, I noticed it too...and heard the same reason...I think I took some pictures...somewhere...

Seems a shame to start losing such a recreational draw...
Well, it's not like the lake is not deep enough since it's over 400 feet deep.  The access is just a bit more challenging.
So, hang a rope ladder off the edge! Wink
Here's a picture I took last fall after a certification dive.  You can see on the left side of the photo that the shoreline is down considerably from where it used to be (it used to be up to the grass, and all those rocks were under water.)

I was told that the pumping of a nearby pit was to blame, but all our lakes up here are pretty low, even Superior is about a foot down from last year.

I took a drive over  to Ore B gone last weekend and checked out the beach.  Can you say giant stride? The water level is way down, the area off the beach where the water was several feet is now beach.  >Sad The dropoff is exposed and the pier to the left of the beach is drydocked.  I will probably say that the training plateforms are starting to get a little shallow.  There is a little more distance to carry the equipment down now.  Entry and exiting may be to the right of the beach now. I'll check it out better this weekend. We will be in trouble if the trees and the airplanes start coming out of the water.
coinshooter-  Was it free of ice when you were there?
"Im not a miner" could someone enliten me as to why the mining comany would be taking water out of a pit near by???

Do we need to go knock and their door and tell them to Knock it off? lol

Methinks they're fixin' to do more mining...with what's left.  If this goes on for another couple of years, it will drastically affect the ecosystem of Ore B Gone, along with other mines in the area.  Even if the mine is 400 feet deep.
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