Full Version: Who's gettin' crazy this weekend?
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Wazee Tech diving this weeeeeeeekend?
I hope you have a great time!  I...have Cub Scouts and T-Ball activities on Saturday (at the same time of course, anyone have a spare time warp generator?)  But I will be with you in spirit.  That way I won't be silting it up in person!!
Corndog,  Diverqueen isn't kiddin either !   I thought for a minute she accidently misspelled siliting it up,   because a slight change in that word and corndog, your in for trouble. :Smile 8)

I may end up there at 11 oclock Sat. night,   2 night dives, and one early am. dive and have to leave after by 7 00  am.   sun.

Speaking of misspellings that's "there" not "ther"!  And I'm sure you know about my silt situation!  It's a buoyancy in progress!


Max are you talkin about this weekend or the one Corndog posted about earlier?

skpeinag of mspieleld wrdos.. it's been porevn in sutides taht if you put the frsit and lsat lteter of the wdors in odrer you can jmulbe all the ohter lteetrs and poelpe can sitll raed it..  czray..


HA! I culdd raed it! Auglhtoh "skpeinag" was a ltilte tugoh. Good tihng for cetxnot....