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Hello everone,

I am looking to get into local diving and am looking for a site with pretty high visibility and fairly easy diving conditions (low current, low boat traffic, etc) just so there's less to deal with when getting used to the conditions.  For weekends I can travel quite a ways and for weekends I work until 4:30 downtown Minneapolis and have about a 10-15 minute commute to my car.  Oh and I would need an experienced buddy who is willing to take the time to help someone adjust.  Thanks!

I am headed to crosby this weekend. there is good diving for all skill levels there. if intrested pm me.
That sounds like alot of fun, but unfortuanately I need some basic equipment (ie mask, fins) because my old stuff is back home.  I will not have a chance to get to a shop and check them out before this weekend and get rental gear  Sad.

MNLakeDiver is correct.  Crosby is great diving!  Lake Wazee in Black River Falls, WI is also great diving, and is easier to get to than the Crosby pits.  Viz is usually pretty comparable too.  Further north, Ore-Be-Gone is another great site to dive with lots of stuff to see (helicopters, cars, etc) in the water.  Square Lake and Perch lake are close dive sites, but viz isn't too great. 
Let me know if you'd like more info.  I dive with a group that makes it out quite a bit, so you're welcome to join us too. 

Have fun!
not a problem I will be up there the 15th 16th and 17th also for DUI DOG Days. join us then.


The quote below is not quite right. I dont think Wazee is easier to get to.
I live in the NW metro and have to drive right through the heart of TC traffic to get there.
2 hours to Crosby, 3-3-1/2 hours to Wazee.

About how long does it take to get to Ore-Be-Gone from the twin cities???
Depending where you live, about 3 hours.  Lake Mine and St. James are another 15 minutes.
Nice so it is just about as far away as Wazee is for me then.  I know this isn't a nebie question but how is Ore-Be-Gone for deep diving.  Do you have to swim pretty far to hit 200+ feet?

If you check the lake maps and go to the right place, about 60 feet from shore. maybe a little more in places and maybe a little less. Check the dnr lakemaps.
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