Full Version: Commercial Divers, who's around?
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Hey I'm just wondering how many commercial divers we have on the board.  I am one but don't do it too much. I have heard there are some scuba guys around who do it part time and am curious what jobs go on here in Minneapolis. What jobs have you done in the past?  Have any gear for sale?  I'd be interested in a hat for sure, other gear as well.  Winter is coming and I'm getting bored. I might be thinking about heading south for the winter.  Anyone been to the gulf lately.  I hear there is work for years after Katrina.  Are they paying any better these days?  Allright, your turn, let's hear from you!


Damn, nobody I guess!  >Big Grin
Hey'd you get started commercial diving?  I wanted to go to the Great Lakes Academy after I finish my 4 years in college.  What do you think?  Would it be worth it?
Hey, I just passed my 1 year anniversary since signing up! 

I realize this is a pretty old post, but if you're still wondering about the Gulf, they're still hiring anybody that can walk or crawl.
Pay has actually gone up in a lot of areas, to where it's almost within range of the Inland pay scale.
Northern CA (where I'm wintering over) has lost a lot of the younger local divers who ran down to suck mud & hook debris & trash.
Last offer I turned down they were working 7 - 12s.

I would recomend Minnesota School of Diving They have a very intense course and they do a lot themselves I do diving for the mines when it comes up but if I can't handle it I turn them onto Bill and his group
Corndog II,
CAN YOU.,,,, tell us some of the highlights or cool stories you encounter while being a commercial diver.

