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Good evening,
I'm very sorry that at the last minute I had to do gram pa things like baby sitting.
I'm looking for a maid marion or a sir marion of the library for some diving books for people to read not to throw a way. i will furnish the books for all to share. I currently have 6 books to loan out. this will be on the Honor system and i trust all of us are honorable.
Good evening, Book list
1. the decompression workbook by lewbel
2.deep diving by gilliam and von maier
3.gas diving by mount and gilliam
4.shipwreck of the mesquite by stonehouse
5. rec nitrox diving by rossier
6. understanding rebreathers by bozanic
I can leave these books in a black suitcase at the park and ride at co rd 81 and 85 ave no.
I can add a couple titles to the "card catalog":  I know I've got "The Last Dive" and "Fatal Depth" lying around ready to be read... I'll have to look to see what else is around...
Do you have a black suitcase too. one that the bomb squad wont blow up.
thanks for the new books I also have shadow divers and a book on seal history