Full Version: Olympus E330 SLR - New Acquisition!
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Well,  I decided I'd had enough of my 2.1 megapixel Casio, and started the purchase of an Olympus E330 Digital SLR.  It's 7.5 megapixels and one of the first SLR's to have a live picture on the LCD, which I've gotten quite used to on my casio.

I've just been playing around with the camera for the last week, and it really takes some sharp pictures, I can't wait to get it under the water.

I'm going to get an Ikelite housing, and probably add a macro lens to the zoom that came with it.  I'll be picking up all of the U/W pieces over the winter as I get extra cash.

I'll post pictures as soon as I get them.

Debt's not such a bad thing is it?

I have been trying to decide between that  cam or the Canon Rebel XTi. Decisions, deceisions.
  And being in debt is the American way!!!

Jeff,  Greg,,  from a bankers perspective,  keep up the good work. 

My camera stinks.    Let us know as soon as you can. 

Haha Greg, you should just pawn a something from your metal detecting pile.  Then you would be able to get one of those things easy!  Just take a picture of it to remember what it is before you pawn it.

I'm not saying you have to pawn anything though, because a lot of the stuff you find is pretty sweet.  When are we going to go dive again?
  I will be at the u/w  pumpkin carving on the 28th.  But I will probably see you on the 21st for the big sale. I have to get my tanks filled anyway.
