Full Version: Upload not successful???
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Well thats not entirelty correct. when I try to add a file (75KB)
it says the upload was succesful
however file not added.
Is the site not working or is it me!!
I noticed this issue last weekend and I thought it was fixed.  I'll ask Jason to take a look at it.

I tried it again last night... it appears to upload, but when you go to assign it to a gallery, the image doesn't display and when you pick the gallery and click again, it says it didn't work.
I was able to successfully upload a photo and assign it to a gallery.  If anyone still has problems please let us know.


It also worked fine for me. Thanks.
Ok Tullibee, now lets see thise get-together pics.
you'll have to wait until I get home tonight!  don't have the pics with me at work...  (and you'll have to hope I blow off some work paperwork I should be doing tonight at least long enough to try the pics again!)