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I'm a new diver and was just wondering when the best time to dive minnesota was.

Generally I find that the viz is better in the fall than in spring for local lakes.  The way the lake turns in spring is a little unpredictable.  Sometimes the viz is good two or three weeks after ice out but the past couple years I've found the viz to be disappointing.  Perch lake is usually always best between mid October and when the water freezes over. 
I have to agree with Lon.  But southern MN is a different matter.  Farming runoff has made most of them extremely green.

Lake Superior, on the other hand, can vary widely.  Here, close to the mouth of the St. Louis River, the viz can drop dramatically after a couple of days of rain.  Also, wind direction has a major impact on temp and viz.  An east/Northeast wind brings in the warm surface water in the summer, but also reduces visability to varying degrees.  Winds from the West/Northwest will push out the warm surface water from the north shore, bringing up the crystal clear, very cold water from the deep.

Yesterday and today were the best viz I've seen shore diving just north of Duluth.  I know it had to be 50'+.  Water temps were a chilly 39 degrees.  We've had NW winds for a few days now, and that's why the viz has been so good.  Got lucky, and saw one Lake Trout today, about 20' away from us.  They're pretty skittish during the day.

Happy Diving!
It's not really the farm runoff that you need to be worried about!  When I was very young we used to swim in Bass Lake in Faribault County.  That lake had no visibility...All the homes that surrounded it had septic systems with less than state-of-the-art drain fields...There have been many improvements in the 20 plus years since I was in that water.  Last summer (mid June)when I was snorkeling I noted 3 plus foot visibility, a variety of fish and huge clams.  Much improved!  Good Work DNR and others responsible!
DQ    That explains alot of things.  All the puzzle pieces are slowly revealing themselves. 

thanks for the update folks.

I remember water skiing in Cottonwood, and viz was about 3 or 4 inches.  I can't believe some of the stuff we swam in!  Ugh!

Even today, some of those lakes are still the cloudy, green muck I remember.  True, septics have improved, but a couple of the lakes we skied on had no houses or anything on them. 

On my last dive there were a lot of green goose logs at the bottom.  I guess IT does not float.
Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad


A topic is started about when the best time ta dive minnesota is.  The thread quickly morphs into what time of year has the best visibility for diving.  The answer is definite, but not an available option for the vote!. 

Gotta be winter!

Am I the only one looking forward to the lakes getting covered over :Smile.  I've been going through withdrawl all summer.

I luv:  Driving right to where yer gonna dive in, no hauling gear, GREAT VISIBILITY, the waves don't make me seasick, I don't overheat getting into my exposure suit, no flies or mosquitos,  No boat traffic, less crowds at the best dive sites, Lots and lots of gear up room,etc......

What he said! 8) don't forget grouper sandwiches cooked inbetween dives when you convert the water heater to fish cooker ;D
Shooter and others...  you are so right. 

I just can't wait....  The cold is comming... the cold is comming.  I can't wait for the lakes to freeze!!

No really, I am really looking forward to the REAL MN diving season. 

Can you believe I am from TX?
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