Full Version: Happy Tax Day!
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While this may appear
to be one more feeble attempt 
towards Super member status (and it is)
here is some food for thought
on this glorious day:

Americans today will pay in 1.3 trillion dollars to the IRS

$30 Million will be lost  & never caught in tax preparation errors
Taxes were originated to pay off the Civil war fees, but were never enforced until 1913
(don't think we had a civil war that year)

President Bush filed yesterday reporting an income of $633,000.00
(none of which went towards dive gear)
and paid in $186,000 to the IRS

Dick Cheney filed last week reporting an income of 1.6 million, and actually is getting a $1000.00 refund check back because he overpaid throughout the 2006 year.

Food for thought.
Guess I need to go
get started on my taxes.

Have a great day all of you.
~Happy Filing!

I am sooooo happy to pay my taxes Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad and then watch our politicans piss it away.
I heard recently if the average American income is $50K, they have to work until around the first week in April just to pay their taxes.  The rest (9 1/2 months) they get to keep.

If your income is $500K per year, you have to work until some time in July.  The rest (5 1/2 months) is yours to keep!

Back in the day of paying off the Civil War, as much as 90 cents on the dollar of taxes paid, went toward that. 

I wonder how much we're paying for our current war?

Take it all with a grain of salt. 

(Hi, how you doing, "Supporting Member Michelle?"  ;D
OOPS!!! I knew there was something I was forgetting to do!!!! :-X

Greg :'(

(Hi, how you doing, "Supporting Member Michelle?"  ;D

Nicccccccccceeeeeee One William.
I kinda like it...
instead of MCC,
I can be SMM!
(but only for a couple more posts!)   
Ok..OK..ive had enough..these two are just posting silly stuff so they get to 100 posts..i am voting for a reduction in their total posts and a requirement that they post something with more substance......unless of course either of them would care to pay my taxes..then i could be very forgiving Wink
Oh, how I DO agree!  ;D ;D
That's right
I think we should move it up to 300 then they wouldn't be so excited yet  >Big Grin
Will someone please tell me where it states on the calendar,
That it is:
"Let's Pick on Michelle" week?
Let's chat about something more exciting like" why The steel backplate is 6 pounds negative (2.7kg) and the aluminum backplate is only 1 pound negative (about 450 grams)"



I already made
So Move On. Gang Up on another
Innocent soul
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