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I want to put my name on my Dive Rite lift bag but with the thin vinyl lining I'm concerned that a Sharpie ® will eat the vinyl as it's probably got some thinner in it.

What do you write on it with? Will it bleed?

2nd question: Do you mark the line on your reel so you can judge distance with it?

hey arcflash.. I've never marked a lift bag but I guess if I was going to paint on vinyl I'd look into vinyl specific paints... like for automotive dashes/upholstery.. and that stuff comes in real small touch up containers that might work perfect.. I think it also works on leather so maybe something for leather would work the same on vinyl... shoe coloring maybe??
There you go... info from someone who doesn't have a clue... :Smile
Check your local Wal-Mart pet care section!  Do they have one if the nice machines for printing metal tags?  Attach one of those to the same place where you attach your line...Bingo!  Relatively corrosion resistant (Be sure to rinse and dry well after being in salt water!)
Mines been market with a sharpie for years with no noticeable signs of damage, I wouldn't worry about it.
That's a good idea, I'll keep that in mind but I was looking for something that would distinguish my bag from other for shore / boat diving. I was thinking 3 inch initials. That way if I shoot the bag people on the surface (my wife) will know it's me or at least know which one I'm under.

It will also server as owner which is always nice as well.

On my zodiac I had to get the registration numbers on there so they would not come off.  I went to the local sign store and had the numbers cut from a 3M reflective materail.  It is fairly flexable, VERY reflective, and has stayed on for over a year.  You may want to give it a try.

I tried an Avery reflective material that was supposed to be the same thing, it fell off the boat the first time it got wet.  If you give it a try, stick with 3M.

Perhaps Shooter can help with a nice set of initials from his rocking cool sign shop? Wink



Same here, I've not had any problems and it hasn't worn off at all either.  I have a semi-closed bag and I wrote down at the bottom of the bag where the opening is.
stencils and a fat black sharpie..have had no problems for a couple years now..also....Captains really enjoy marked bags as it lets us know who is where....

I love the reflective idea. 8) That would be most helpful for a rescue party to help to locate somebody if they were adrift, especially at night. I will try them on mine. I'm not sure how well they will stick to a bag that is rolled up and jammed in a bc storage compartment. I know they make an ink that will stick and there are also some heat transfer material that would work.


3m is the way to go 8)
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