Full Version: FREEDIVE A-PALOOZA - JULY 14-15, 2007
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Had to get this up as the old post gets confusing on the dates... Some folks are gong to be at Wazee for the apalooza on the 12th so get yourselves down there for the biggest and best midwest freediving get to gether of the year!

This will be our largest palooza ever since Jon and I got together for the 1st one 3 years ago.  It's a great place to see all kinds of freediving gear, try gear, try for some depth, and best of all, meet others with the same passion for freediving/extreme snorkeling...  No matter what the level of experience, everyone is welcomed.. there's even great snorkeling for the surface dwellers!

Just come ready for lots of time in the water and good company.  ;D

I'm there friday the 13th late afternoon, see you there.  OUCH!!!  wait a minute.. did I say FRIDAY THE 13TH?????  :o  Fortunately, I'm not superstitious, but hey, for those of you that are.. show up on saturday or sunday!
