Full Version: not a bad day of snorkeling..
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check this out... pretty good deal after about $5.00 worth of new treble hooks and split rings... and a little time cleaning 'em up.
Wow! Good job.

Any chance you can give us newbie free divers the secret. Every time I find stuff it's all rusted up and looks like it's been there 20 years!
They weren't all good.. I threw quite a few away too.
Most of the good lures you see here I just scrubbed up a bit in the sink and put on new trebles and split rings.  I was surprised at how some of the very dull looking ones cleaned up.  Most of these the hooks were partially rusted away or completely gone.  Maybe 1/2 dozen or so were recent losses but I still replaced the old trebles.
I've found lures before but never as thick as these were...(and there's still more where these came from)
I think this might become my new hobbie.. it sure was fun.  I'll have to go buy a tackle box.
My wife says she's going to pick up fishing Smile.

must be lots o' fish over there Smile
Wednesday, August 1st (Before the Bridge collapsed) I was walking in the parking lot of a Public Water Access.  I noticed what I thought was a plastic bag flapping in the breeze...Upon closer inspection I found a pigeon caught on a strand or two of invisible monofilament fishing line.  I walked closer and calmed the bird by cooing to it.  Just six inches from the bird was a "Lazy Ike" style fishing lure with a heavy leader attatched.  I carefully grasped the bird and released it from its tangled lines and set it free.  Then I secured the lure and leader...and pulled on the line that was caught in a nearby tree....Good thing the parking lot was empty, I had to walk backwards several times pulling on the line to get it out of the tree.....Maybe I should go back and see if there is a rod and reel up there too! ;D
released it.... geez... they taste better than chicken.. can't cook 'em too long though or they get dry.. wrapping with bacon helps.  Wink  ((ahhhh, I probably woulda let it go too)
Roland will try anything, who knows what he woulda done 8)
I just got back from a week of camping with the family in Vilas county.

While diving along the edge of the lake we were camped on I found some nice COLD beer!  Some nice person must have dropped it and it slid down the sand slope right below the thermocline to keep it cold for me. Smile

I don't suppose you want to share the location of your lake for me..  maybe there is more treasure down there...
At least hope thats beer
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