Full Version: been a busy 4 weeks
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Well, have not been doing much diving but I have been keeping busy from Bridge stuff to flooding. 

Here is a video from this weekend of the mega huge flash flooding from Southeastern Minnesota.

It's nothing or total insanity in this biz.
Yeah, I too have come to the conclusion that World War III is when Mother Nature tries to wipe us out!  Now packing tent, sleeping bags, PFD's and Water filtration devices (and Scuba gear!) onto boat and unhooking it from the trailer....Remind me to reattach it before going out to any lakes!
And speaking of WWIII, anyone else out playing in the near hurricane force winds last week? 

I was playing Weather Paparazzi on TV for The Weather Channel. 

Here is a link to the video

And my mug on TV again.  Damn, with the Katrina 2 years after stuff last week, and the severe weather around town, I'm over exposed...

But, since diving has sucked, I have been working on getting my companies stock footage site up and running on line.  This time next week, I will have all of my storm chasing stuff and a lot of my crews scuba footage from the gulf and the rest of my crews storm chasing footage from around tornado alley on line.  It will take days to watch all the video. 
Have a relax~!!!